I don't know where you get your figures from, but they might have been true thirty years ago - they most certainly aren't true anymore.
I left London as an immigrant to the USA in 2003. I left again 11 years later. Dreadful country. I begged my daughter to leave, but she had been so brainwashed by the USA story that she would not leave.
Three years ago, she finally visited me in Portugal. It was meant to be for four months. A month in, she finally consented to leave. A few months after that, we relocated to Ireland. Six months ago, she went back to the States to surrender her Green Card and to pack everything. She couldn't be happier. She finally acknowledges that she had been totally brainwashed how wonderful the USA was.
I found that America has less freedom than any other country I have ever lived in. It is also incredibly expensive, has less labour protections, less medical services, is less safe (gun shootings), and more.
Most people do not migrate to America. They migrate to Europe and Asia. The greatest number of emigrants are from India, and then Mexico.
America does not have sufficient computer staff, so a great many come to America on work visas to work as programmers.
QUOTE: The decline in the unauthorized immigrant population is due largely to a fall in the number from Mexico – the single largest group of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. Between 2007 and 2017, this group decreased by 2 million. Meanwhile, there was a rise in the number from Central America and Asia.
You might also like to know that only one third of immigrants (legal ones) choose to take on US citizenship. Neither myself nor my daughter took on legal citizenship. We would never choose to lose our EU citizen, and we would have done so had we taken on American citizenship. German citizenship does not permit one to have dual citizenship. Not worth losing it. The privileges of EU citizenship outweigh American citizenship any day of the week.
QUOTE: Mexico is the top origin country of the U.S. immigrant population. In 2018, roughly 11.2 million immigrants living in the U.S. were from there, accounting for 25% of all U.S. immigrants. The next largest origin groups were those from China (6%), India (6%), the Philippines (4%) and El Salvador (3%).
People from first world countries seldom go to the USA - unless they are in the entertainment industries. That's because conditions and cultures in the USA are not as good as those in other first world countries. Those of us who originate from third world countries see more relationship to third world countries in the USA than we do to first world countries. I was shocked when I first arrives in the USA.
Hollywood and hype is what attracts people to the USA. It's all lies. I found that out when I arrived there. There has been reverse immigration in the USA for some time.
At this point, I would also like to clarify the difference between the words emigration and immigration. Immigration is when people go to the USA. Emigration is when people leave the USA.
So I want to talk about emigration from the USA.
QUOTE: According to a Gallup poll from January 2019, 16% of Americans, including 40% of women under the age of 30, would like to leave the United States.[64] In 2018, the Federal Voting Assistance Program estimated a total number of 4.8 million American civilians lived abroad, 3.9 million civilians, plus 1.2 million service members and other government-affiliated Americans.[65]
I could go on. Now I have a question for you. Nowhere in my story did I mention immigration. What on earth does your comment has to do with the fact that society is disintegrating due to a breakdown in structure?