I do not for one minute believe that sex is a crime of power. I believe it is strictly related to men who want sex. Everytime someone dares to mention this, the mob mentality begins to say 'how dare you think this.' This myth comes from one writer, and feminists have bought into it.
I think it's nonsense. Read her life - she' s not a psychologist, and she has little formal education. No study was ever done.
To quote:
The false divide forgets that for the rapist, it is very much about sex and gives cover to the sex industry.
It’s one of those slogans that are well-intentioned, and memorable, and utterly wrong: “Rape is about power, not sex.” Drawing a hard, sharp line between “sex” and “power” was one of the strategies that the women’s movement used in the 20th century to undermine the patriarchal narrative about rape. Unfortunately, “rape is about power, not sex” has one very significant demerit as a vehicle for women, which is this: rape is, obviously, very much about sex. It’s a turn-on for the rapist. If it wasn’t, he wouldn’t be able to commit his crime. Had Weinstein simply wanted to exercise power over the women he employed, he had plenty of ways of doing it that didn’t involve his penis. For the rapist, the sex and the power are indivisible."