??. I disagree with Israel's policies. I also understand why they have them.
The fact that I disagree with them does not mean I think Hamas are the good guys. In fact, if you look at that article, you will see a link to the fact that I believe Hamas to be a terrorist organisation.
That said, just like the word ',genicide' is being used, so is the word Palestinians.
Palestine comprises three areas - Golan heights win in the 1967 war from Syria, the West Bank won from Jordan in 1967, and Gaza won from Egypt in 1967.
Israel is not attacking all the Paledtians. Israel is attacking Gaza. Again, while the majority of Palestinians do not support Hamas, the majority of Gazans do.
It's the difference between saying Mexico attacked America when Mexico attacked Texas. You have to put this into context.
Israel is certainly going all guns to eradicate Hamas is a terrorist organisation, and one that absolutely must be destroyed. Many if the citizens of Gaza were celebrating in the streets when they heard what Hamas had done. No humane person dances with joy at that sort of inhumanity
Hamas has no regard for the life of Palestinians. In fact, Egypt built a wall to stop them coming into Egypt, so if you want to blame Israel for building two walls, why aren't you blaming Egypt for building the 3rd wall, and why is Hamas constantly attacking Israel but not Egypt.
In fact, Syria has massacred 300,000 Muslims, but I see no cry of genocide, and Saudi Arabia has massacred 150000, and I see no cry of genocide
Surely, you should be even-handed
Israel has, for the duration of my lifetime, repeatedly tried to live in peace with her neighbours. I am 72.
Do you know why Israel went to war in 1967? Because the Arabs shut down the Suez Canal because they didn't want her there. Then they started amassing troops on her borders - Syria, Jordan, and Egypt
Israel struck first, and it is only because Israel struck first that the UN said those lands are occupied. For millions of years, land has been 'owned' by either those who live on it or those who win it in war.
And by whose authority does the UN make a law that the nation who struck first loses the right to the land they win? So if Jordan, Syria, and Egypt took land from Israel, then they would have been entitled to keep the land?
Sometimes there are times when there are just wars.
That said, I would probably have given the land back to those countries, hoping to prove a point - that you don't mess with Israel.
As the video by the Saudi Prince said, it is madness to fight Israel, and Arabs must learn to live with her.
You also conveniently ignore the religious element of this - that there is only one religion that murders wherever it goes. I am betting you're an American Democrat, and you don't want America to become a theocracy. Why the double standard.
My article in no way contradicted my loathing of Israeli policies. However, the fact that I don't like them does not mean I like Hamas's policies. I gave had personal contact with these people in both London and Cape Town. I have seen what they do in Nigeria, India, China, Pakistan and other places Have you forgotten ISIS?
Israel is not trying to eradicate Palestinians. She is trying to eradicate Hamas, a military religious force that is intent, not only on destroying Israel, but every Jew and non-Muslim in the world.
Israel is not guilty of genocide. I think she should have given back the land she won in 1948, but of course the Palestinians started that war, so maybe the UN is okay with them keeping it.
I will never support barbarism and savagery, and that is the policy of Hamas. If you were in the way, they would have taken you.
Expressing disapproval of a country's policies (and I understand why they built the wall) does not mean I give a Death Cult petmission to wipe them off the face of the earth.
Lastly, the article I wrote before this was about the absurdity of the American left and right. Understand that I am not an American, and I do not support either the far left or the far right in America. Both are extreme and, to my mind, irrational. How western secular values have fallen that people now support Hamas.