I didn't relate to anything you said - the acai bowl thingie. i certainly grew up privileged, private school, and all that. And, yes, I've lived in many countries. The States. The UK (England and Scotland), the EU (Spain, Germany, now Portugal), Africa (South Africa, Lesotho), and traveled further.
But always it was on a shoestring. And always it was staying for a period of time (the States was the longest - 11 years).
I traveled because I as always looking for a home. I never had family or friends (Asperger's), and now I'm finally settling in Portugal.
Yes, I'm an expat. But one that lives on very little. My total possessions comprise 5 suitcases - my blankets, my towels, my kitchenware - everything in those cases.
I know people like you - from my school days. Friendships remain. To some extent, privilege shows.