I didn't qualify for Obamacare. Many others didn't. We were 'low income.' However, it's history.
To me, Marianne Williamson is a magical thinker, and she has no idea of how life really works. One cannot believe in magical thinking and understand the world. The two are mutually exclusive And I have read her. I became aware of her work in the early or mid-90s.
That said, she will never be voted president, precisely because of her involvement in Course of Miracles, etc.
In all the years that I voted, I never once saw my vote make a difference - no matter which country I voted in.
I am not encouraging anyone not to vote. I'm not here to influence people. I have said multiple times that I write to get things out of my head - not to change other people's lives or to influence them.
On July 29th, 1987, The Argus newspaper in Cape Town, South Africa, published the following words, “My father left his three children a precious heritage. He taught us that tolerance of other nations and cultures was the badge of a civilized man and that every person in a nation needs to stand up and be counted and use both the right to vote and the right to speak up when those values are attacked.”
It's 37 years since I wrote those words. Today, now I'm done.