I did some checking.
19% business
12% health
8% Social sciences and history
6% Engineering
6% Sciences
6% Psychology
5% communications
4% Performing arts
4% computer sciences
4% education
I've provided the link below for these statistics below
The Stem topics have a relatively low percentage of people doing them. It's the number of business degrees that need to be scrapped, not the number of science and technology degrees.
While I agree with you that we can have the technology to resolve allt hese problems, I cannot think of anything more useless than the degrees you mention. It's not a lack of empathy that is preventing the change in systems.
It's a lack of big-picture understanding in how the world is put together, and science is what teaches that. The other thing that is lacking is an understanding of how ethics provide structure and survival. This is what I've written about in several of my articles - how benevolence is a survival strategy.
It's not a lack of empathy and compassion that prevents implementing good systems. It's a lack of ability to do design them and implement them,.