I can see you went to business school, and I went to earth school (geology). Unfortunately for you, if there is no earth, there can be no business.
1. Production of goods go on. People can work 10 hours a week to keep producing.
2. Right now, Supply exceeds demand by about 100%. That said, it's very simple - people do without. They have a choice - either do without all the rubbish that is currently been produced. Or die.
3. Certainly producers can raise prices. However, they shouldn't expect to sell.
4. MMT says you can print money.
5. There should be no incentive for producers to produce more. It's business that is causing climate change. It's the production of things that cause pollution. Business also advertisers and brainwashes consumers in order to push consumers to buy more and more. May business in rot in hell for killing the planet.
Do you know what caused the Great Depression? The over-production of goods. Business produced all these goods, but 75% of people lived on farms, and they had no interest in buying that business produced.
At the end of the Depression, Edward Bernays (father of advertising) taught business and government that if you repeat something to people over and over again, they will be brainwashed. He said that business need never ever be without customrs again. And so consumerism was born.
So the bottom line is that people, left alone, won't buy what they don't need, and there won't be as much demand as you anticipate. And regardless of what you think, people do work and produce without the fucking greed that drives business owners to produce more and more in spite of the damage they cause. There's a reason why research shows that 20% of business owners are psychopaths.