Member-only story

I apologize once again.

My typos have been brought to my attention once again.

Tessa Schlesinger
1 min readNov 1, 2022
Me at 69 years. Old woman. Own picture.

Hi guys,

I’m 100% guilty of typos, omitting words, confusing British spelling and expressions with American ones (and occasionally South African ones). In time, I suppose, I will also be incorporating Irish ones.

I often don’t see the typos or I read what isn’t there. Every writer will know what I mean. We have the words in our heads, and we think we are reading, but we are not. We are reading what we think is there. I don’t know how to explain this. However, when I read through once, I just don’t see the errors.

Generally, a week later, I will see them.

Some of my readers have been very kind and used the note facility to let me know, and I have corrected them. Thank you.

I do understand if you prefer to read someone else’s work that is better proofed. For myself, my situation is difficult, and I do the best I can. Please forgive me my inadequacies. I’m happy to correct anything you let me know about.

Thank you for putting up with my thoughts. :)




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