I am South African, don't own a MacBook, a car, a TV, a home, or much else. I am 72 years old, have a social security of about $212 per month, plus what I earn here. It isn't much. I have lived through numerous assaults in my life in Africa, and most of my life has been spent struggling to survive against incredible odds.
I have to ask you why you assume that in order to reach the conclusion I have, I am in a privileged position? Perhaps, I understand that either everybody dies and we are extinct within the next 80 years (how long so E scientists give us), or we strip the wealth of the very rich, try to save as many as possible, and use the money to buldt the infrastructure we need to survive climate change
.if course, while you probably have far more money and resources than I will ever have, I truly have very little time for people like you - you categorise people into your little home-made boxes.