I am on X. Musk posts 6 or 7 times a day. He says these things personally. I have watched him now for a year. He is, in my opinion, a very warped man.
He should not be attempting to put rocket ships on Mars. The entire electric car thing is a scam. What is there to admire? He has done absolutely nothing for this planet.
In order to explain what I have just said to you, I would have to go into heavily technical explanations, and I don't have the time to do that.
One does not have to know someone personally in order to see what they are about. Actions speak louder than words.
Musk chose what he did very carefully. Every single industry he is in has been heavily subsidized by the government - so not his own money.
I don't agree with flat taxes. I agree with taxes on all goods. If one wants to buy luxury goods like a yacht, then one pays a 10,000% tax on them. Basic food items - no tax.
The only things I admire about people are intellect, wisdom (foresight), and benevolence. I have no admiration for business owners, sports stars, celebrities, wealth, etc.
From your remarks, you sound like a conservative and a libertarian. I am neither. Nor am I a liberal or a democrat. I am apolitical, and I believe mixed economies and local power is best.