I am Jewish. Yes, I have read the old testament many, many times. Ever lived in a Jewish home? Most Jews tend to be atheists/secular. Judaism, like all other religions, has different sects. I spent many years sitting in shul. I also spent a decade sitting through evangelical christian services. I also spent 5 years at a Christian boarding school.
Here's the thing. During the 5 years, at an all girls Christian boarding school, not a single 'Christian minister' said anything about women being second rate citizens. During the years, I lived as a Jew, nobody said that either. My late father, born in 1910 om Berlin, Germany, a holocaust surivor treated all three kids the same. Women needed the same education and rights as men. When I was 14, he told me there was a double standard between men and women, and that I could sleep with who I liked - just not to be caught.
During my 10 years as an evangelical Christian, I kept hearing how women must be submissive to men. Orthodox Jews do not seee women as second class citizens. Haredi Jews do. They are a very, very small percentage.
Jews, for the most part, think they are bizarre. Modern Jews do not go around sacrificing animals to God. Jewish tradition adapts to modern times.