Tessa Schlesinger
1 min readAug 3, 2022


I also apologize if I come across as rude.

So much of this help isn't help at all. I spent a life time going to people trying to find out what was wrong with me. I worked incessently on my character. Those people who know me tell me that I'm a saint, that I live according to standards very few people live according to.

I have done that, simply in an attempt to survive, to get enough money to pay for rent and food and basics.

What nobody told me was that when one is stunningly beautiful, has been privately educated, has no support from anyone, is gifted/talented, and has Aspergers is that jealousy is a driving force.

What resesarch has been done on it indicates that women are vicious towards other women they see as competition, and men can't keep their hands off them. The sexual harassment never stops. If you live in a third world country where women are second class citizens, there's no help.

None of the professionals ever mentioned that stuff. If I brought it up, then I must take my eyes off myself and I mustn't be vain.

My life was completely destroyed by other people. Situations are individual. I'm sure that what you teach works for some people, but there are always people who fall between the slats. I was one of them.



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