I actually did read qyite a few of your stories. The Jews were persecuted for 2000 years, put in ghettos, tortured, and half their number killed through genocide in WWII.
There are fewer than 15 million Jews in the world. There were far fewer 70 years ago. Yet, despised as they were, and still are, they have managed to rise to the top.
Japan was in the Middle Ages at the end if WWII. Yet she became an economic power within 20 years.
When Estonia left Russia, she was bankrupt, with a 10000% inflation rate. In 20 years, she reached first world standards.
South Africa left apartheid 30 years ago. It is a failed state. Zimbabwe has been without white leadership for 60 years. It went from being the breadbasket of Africa to a country where most people starve.
Suggest you stop blaming white people.