How Accurate is Chinese Astrology?
Chinese astrology makes more sense than western astrology. And, yes, you can work out what your year will be like.

Many years ago, on my forty second birthday to be precise, someone told me to go and ask a fellow colleague for my horoscope. I looked at her and said, “You have to be joking.”
“Go ask Peter” she said.
So I went. He was an engineer, and for the life of me I could not figure that an engineer could believe that junk. I said as much to him.
He didn’t miss a heart beat. He responded, “Do you know the time of your birth?”
I phoned my mother, she gave it to me, and I gave it to him. He sat down at a desktop, keyed in the data, and printed out 50 pages.
Now there are all sorts of things that could have been said. Instead it opened up with the words that it was a very rare chart, etc. And as I have fitted every single rare category there is during the past 50 years of testing by doctors, psychologists, etc. I was amazed.
So I did a study and found that that the birth chart of some 40 people I looked at to be accurate to about 90%. I couldn’t understand that. It didn’t make sense.
Why Chinese astrology is different
And then I looked at Chinese astrology. They maintained that there was a lifeforce on earth (Qi), and when we are born, we take on the attributes of the lifeforce at that particular moment in time. They maintain also, that just as the climte has its seasons, so the lifeforce has 60 different seasons. That certainly made more sense (though it seems just as far fetched) to me than western astrology in blaming the stars.
Chinese astrology is much easier to work out than western astrology. So I’ve detailed it here for you.
The Chinese Year
The Chinese Astrological year is determined according to the moon and the sun. It is, therefore on a different date every year. It is a time of great celebration and partying, and it is during this period that everybody begins to look at what the next year brings. The Chinese will also determine which year their children will be born in, and they will try for the year of the dragon which is supposed to be the most auspicious year.
In 2012, the year of the dragon, Chinese births increased by 25%. One quarter of the world’s population pay attention to which animal represents them. Chinese plan the birth month of their children to ensure prosperity, health, and happiness.
So if you’re considering doing business with the Chinese, it might be an idea to look at a belief system that is very important to them. So important, in fact, that there is even a TED talk on it!
The Chinese Horoscope and Zodiac Chart
The Chinese zodiac consists of twelve animal signs (the year you are born in), five elements (dependent on which year it is), and twelve rising signs or ascendants. These are based on the time you are born. The belief is that there is a life force on this earth (called qi or chi). When one is born, this life force enters into one to give one life.
The purposes behind the western zodiac horoscope and the Chinese zodiac horoscope are different. While western astrology will tell you your future via your sun sign, the Chinese only tell you what sort of life force (life energy, chi, or qi) is for that particular year, and how your animal sign will interact with it.
The life force (or chi) has a sixty year life cycle. During these sixty years, the characteristics of this energy changes, and it implants that particular energy into those born in that year. Those sixty years are divided into five periods of twelve years each. Each year within a twelve year period is named after an animal. In addition to that, there are five elements.
The five elements (Wu Xing) metal (jin), wood (mu), water (shui), fire (huo), and earth (tu). These are combined with the particular animal year you are born in to tell you what sort of energy your animal year has. For instance, the chi in a metal dragon year will be different to the energy in a wood dragon year. While, broadly speaking, the energy in one dragon year is the same as the energy in another dragon year, when it comes to more refined detail, there are small differences. These differences are defined by the elements.
In addition to the animal year you are born in and the element attached to that year, you have a rising sign or ascendant. So, for instance, I am a metal rabbit with dragon rising. You may be an earth dog with rooster rising or a fire snake with horse rising. And each of these combinations will determine what the essence of your character is. Your character takes on the characteristics of the year you were born into.
When the Chinese New Year comes, in order to determine how lucky or difficult that year will be, you compare the chi (qi) of your birth year with the chi (qi) of the current year. If your animal is compatible with the current year, you will have an easy year. If it is incompatible with the current life energy of the year — not so much. Of course, it may be that your rising sign is compatible with the life force of the current year but your animal is not. In that case, you’ll have a bit of both!
The Chinese Horoscope and Zodiac Chart
The Chinese zodiac consists of twelve animal signs (the year you are born in), five elements (dependent on which year it is), and twelve rising signs or ascendants. These are based on the time you are born. The belief is that there is a life force on this earth (called qi or chi). When one is born, this life force enters into one to give one life.
The purposes behind the western zodiac horoscope and the Chinese zodiac horoscope are different. While western astrology will tell you your future via your sun sign, the Chinese only tell you what sort of life force (life energy, chi, or qi) is for that particular year, and how your animal sign will interact with it.
The life force (or chi) has a sixty year life cycle. During these sixty years, the characteristics of this energy changes, and it implants that particular energy into those born in that year. Those sixty years are divided into five periods of twelve years each. Each year within a twelve year period is named after an animal. In addition to that, there are five elements.
The five elements (Wu Xing) metal (jin), wood (mu), water (shui), fire (huo), and earth (tu). These are combined with the particular animal year you are born in to tell you what sort of energy your animal year has. For instance, the chi in a metal dragon year will be different to the energy in a wood dragon year. While, broadly speaking, the energy in one dragon year is the same as the energy in another dragon year, when it comes to more refined detail, there are small differences. These differences are defined by the elements.
In addition to the animal year you are born in and the element attached to that year, you have a rising sign or ascendant. So, for instance, I am a metal rabbit with dragon rising. You may be an earth dog with rooster rising or a fire snake with horse rising. And each of these combinations will determine what the essence of your character is. Your character takes on the characteristics of the year you were born into.
When the Chinese New Year comes, in order to determine how lucky or difficult that year will be, you compare the chi (qi) of your birth year with the chi (qi) of the current year. If your animal is compatible with the current year, you will have an easy year. If it is incompatible with the current life energy of the year — not so much. Of course, it may be that your rising sign is compatible with the life force of the current year but your animal is not. In that case, you’ll have a bit of both!

How are Chinese zodiac elements determined?
In order to establish what element you are, you will need to look at the last number of the year you are born in. So, for instance, if you were born in 1960 or 1971, you would be a metal element. If you were born in 2005, you would be a wood element, and if you were born in 1999, you would be an earth element.
0 or 1, you are a metal element.
2 or 3, you are a water element.
4 or 5, you are a wood element.
6 or 7, you are a fire element.
8 or 9, you are an earth element.
These elements have different meanings.
Chinese Astrology: Metal Element
If you are a metal element, then you are very strong, as well as emotionally independent of others. You don’t need a lot of things around you, but you’re high on ethics, and you not only have a lot of innate self-confidence and self-respect, but you respect others, and you serve humanity. You probably don’t express sentiment too well, and because you have such high standards, you set bar for others equally high. Unhappily others seldom live up to your standards.
Chinese Zodiac: Water Element
You’re insightful. You see below the surface of life, and you have an instinct for what is going on deep inside other people. You’re prone to focusing on your own feelings, and this can lead to anxiety and depression. At the same time, however, it enables you to recognize those in similar straits. You know the signs. This gives you great skill as a counsellor and mediator in the affairs of others.
Chinese Astrology: Wood Element
You’re a giver! Very typically, you are a people person with a solid, practical outlook on life. As a result of this, you probably have too many people coming to you to seek help. You give willingly, and you tend to hold people up. Unhappily, at times, it is beyond your strength, and then you have to lean on others in return. Fortunately, as a result of your warmth and compassion, others are only too happy to be there for you.
Chinese Zodiac: Fire Element
You tend to be lucky because your natural desire to explore all things and stretch yourself leads you to many different places. Statistically, some of these places will be places of opportunity. Your wonderings, however, can also lead you to places where more circumspect people will have the wisdom to avoid! You can appear dominant to others, and this won’t always make friends for you, but you don’t notice. Your charm generally wins through despite those awkward moments and the perception by others that you can be manipulative. Indeed, your generosity of spirit towards others will compensate for your faults.
Chinese Astrology: Earth Element
The surface of the earth is solid and stable. So is this element. As a foundational element, you tend to see yourself as central to all around you. Like the tree that shades the flowers and grass beneath it, so you provide nurture to others. You do, however, understand that you’re the tree, and that you’re responsible for the provisions! Naturally, as with the tree that shelters those that come looking for feed and shelter beneath its branches, you provide protection for others.

How to calculate your rising sign in Chinese astrology.
In western astrology, your rising sign means the way you appear to other people. In Chinese astrology, it influences your animal sign so that you are a combination of both the month you were born and the time you were born. The rising sign is also called the hour sign, and it is indicative of who you wish to be. Should you wish to have a fairly accurate idea of the trends in the next year, you would need your rising sign (hour sign), your animal sign (monthly sign) and your inner animal (who you really are).
In the Chinese zodiac, your rising sign is determined by the time you were born. If you do not know the time you were born, unhappily, there is no way to establish what it is.
The rising sign influences your birth sign. Take for example the fiery dragon who loves to gallivant and gamble. If your rising sign was the stay-at-home rabbit and your ascendant was the dragon, then the combination of these two influences would be who you are. As the dragon is lucky, and the rabbit looks after its money, it can safely be said that this little rabbit will always be lucky financially!
If your rising sign was the aggressive tiger and your year sign the cautious ox, then the influence they have on each other would result in an ox that wasn’t quite as cautious! It wouldn’t, however, have the full force of the tiger.
The rising sign influences the animal year sign so that it isn’t quite as fixed as it could be. For instance, if someone was born in the month of the snake and had a snake rising sign, then that person would have almost completely snake characteristics.
Rising signs and year signs mix and mingle and produce characteristics of both signs.
Find the time you were born on this list, and it will tell you what your rising sign is.
1am to 3 am — Ox
3 am to 5 am — Tiger
5 am to 7 am — Rabbit
7 am to 9 am — Dragon
9 am to 11am — Snake
11am to 1pm — Horse
1pm to 3pm — Sheep
3pm to 5pm — Monkey
5pm to 7pm — Rooster
7pm to 9pm — Dog
9pm to 11pm — Boar
11pm to 1am — Rat
So chose your time, then find your sign below and read the interpretation.
If you had a super fast moving sign like the horse or the dragon, but your rising sign was the slow moving ox, then your pace might almost be normal when the two are combined.
The ox rising sign will always influence the year sign to be more cautious and more slow moving. This works well if the year sign is, perhaps, too active.
The tiger comes with an aggressive streak, and whatever your year sign is, that bit of extra passion is going to be added. Ambition and the love of things will color your character. Having a good time will be quite important to you as well. Add a dash of generosity and you’ve figured out what influence your rising sign adds to your year sign.
The Dragon
Dragons are the luckiest of all signs.
They are also the most highly regarded by the Chinese. There are great celebrations when a child is born in the month of the powerful dragon.
Generous to a fault, if this mysterious fire-breathing serpent is combined with a tiger, you’ll need to rein in some discipline, otherwise you’ll be giving your hearth and home away!
The Rabbit
Rabbits are gentle, refined creatures, if a little eccentric. They love to stay at home and count their money. They love to decorate and to entertain — in a very glamorous way, of course. They’re career minded and often remain single for life. So if this tiny little creature is your rising sign, then you will be more artistic, refined, and careful about your money than the other animals of the Chinese zodiac.
The Snake
The snake brings sensuality to your year sign and makes you mysterious and secretive. It can move you in unexpected ways so that other people might be a little weary and wonder what you’re going to do next. Sometimes, it’s nice to be surprising to others, but other times, it’s just nice to be run-of-the-mill. It depends on the occasion, and the snake can adjust to situations with ease.
The Horse
Having the horse as your rising sign will add a large dash of energy to whoever you are. You will not tire as easily as most, but you might also take a gamble which a more cautious person would avoid.
This could work well when combined with the dragon, as the dragon is lucky. It could also work well with an ox which is very cautious.
The speed with which the horse undertakes all its tasks will be a benefit to all signs. It definitely adds a bit of adventure.
The Sheep
Whatever sign you are, the sheep will bring a softer, more sentimental side to it. It will make you more sensitive to criticism but more admired because you have good taste (like the rabbit). The sheep will also add the ability to take advantage of opportunities that come your way.
The Monkey
Think of an inquisitive monkey always examining everything and exploring everywhere. This is the energy that the monkey brings to your natural birth sign. This could be very useful as it will enable you to have a knack for creativity and bringing new insights into solving problems.
Should a snake have the monkey as a combination, then it will, indeed be a very wise snake! It will also, perhaps, not be as hidden as it normally is.
The Rooster
If you’re a slow mover like the snake, the ox, and the sheep, you’re going to love having the rooster as an ascendant. The rooster is wide awake early in the morning and is aware of everything that is happening around it. The rooster may add to your desire to become a bit of a spendthrift, so use your other zodiac influence to control that urge.
The Dog
The influence of the dog on your natural zodiac sign could make you a noble person. You will have a more sensitive conscience than some others, and you will gravitate to doing what is right rather than serving your own needs. The dog ascendant may lend a more moral or ethical perspective to a sign that is inclined to live hard and fast without regard for the well-being of others.
The Boar
The boar always does the right thing, and because it does, it has many friends. This energy will influence your sign, so you can count on being popular and being admired for having integrity and conscience.
Your Year Birth Sign in Chinese Astrology
There are twelve animals in the Chinese Zodiac. You will need to know the year you are born in to determine which animal sign you are. Each animals depicts the energy (chi, qi) of the year into which you are born.
The Chinese Zodiac is always spoken and written about in a particular order. It starts with the year of the rat. The meanings of each animal year and sign are (briefly) below.

The rat is good at business, popular in social situations, and particularly adaptable, regardless of the situation. Rats are compatible with the ox, the dragon, and the rabbit. They also do well in rat, ox, dragon, and rabbit years.

The ox is uncomplicated and direct in interactions with others. They are also conservative and work hard. They are compatible with rat, snake, and the rooster. They do well in years of the ox, rat, snake, and rooster.

Those born in this year are confident and independent. They can also be a little pedantic and set in their ways. They are compatible with the dragon, horse, and pig/boar. Their happy years are the years of the tiger, dragon, horse, and pig/boar.

Rabbits are noble and elegant, and they love to stay home and count their money. They get along with sheep/goat, monkey, dog, and pig/boar. Naturally, their best years are those of the sheep/goat, the dog, the rabbit, and the pig/boar. Interestingly, while the rabbit gets along with those born in the year of the sheep/goat, monkey, dog, and pig/boar, those born in the year of the horse and monkey also gravitate towards the rabbit.

Ethical, lucky, intellectual, with a tendency towards arrogance, it’s the most desired sign for the Chinese. Dragons are compatible with rooster, rat, and monkey. Naturally, their best years dragon, rooster, rat, and monkey years.

Sly more than wise, they do particularly well as authors. This is probably because they have a deep understanding of human nature. They are compatible with the dragon and the rooster, and they do well in the year of the snake, dragon, and rooster.

They’re popular, high energy, have a lot of friends (naturally), and are easy going. They are best friends with the tiger, sheep, and rabbit, and naturally their best years are the years of the horse, sheep/goat, tiger, and rabbit.

Those born in this year are clever and kind. Basically, they’re really nice people, and they do well with horse, rabbit, and pig. Their best years are the year of the sheep/goat, horse, rabbit, and pig/boar.

They’re fast and versatile. They also tend to honesty and they love wealth. They gravitate towards those born in the years of the ox and rabbit. Their best years are the years of the monkey, ox, and rabbit.

Conservative, punctual, and loyal, the rooster has very traditional values. They also tend to be attractive as people and are fast friends with those born in the year of the ox and the snake. Their best years are the years of the rooster, ox, and snake.

Dogs are man’s best friends because they are so accepting of all our faults and remain loyal through thick and sin. That said, they have a strong independent streak, and they get along well with those born in the year of the rabbit. They flourish during the year of the dog and the year of the rabbit.

Those born under this animal sign naturally optimistic that life will bring them good things. They are also considerate of the needs of others. Their best mates are tiger, rabbit, and sheep. These are also their best years.
Lucky charms and Feng Shui
It’s important to many that they wear lucky charms. Because the dragon is considered lucky, many of the lucky charms will have a picture or a carving of the dragon on them. I am providing a screenshot below. This would be worn when it was important to be lucky.
In Astrological Terms
So, in astrological terms, using western astrology, I am a double Leo (Leo rising and sun in Leo), with Virgo in its dignity (giving me a double sun-sun — Virgo and Leo), with Leo in the first house and my moon sign (Aquarius) in the 7th house, thereby making my sun and moon opposing. Leo and Aquarius are also opposites in every way. Then there’s Pluto conjunct my sun which gives me rather a Scorpionic slant. I also have Virgo in its dignity in the first house culminating with Gemini/Taurus in the 10th house and coming down to a Grand Tri with Aquarius in the 7th house. Then there’s my Mars in Cancer in the 12th house, my Venus in Virgo in the second house, and so it goes.
In Chinese Astrology, I would be a metal rabbit with dragon rising.
So much simpler!
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