Hope. To be a Zionist means that you believe Israel should exist. If you do not believe that Israel should exist, then it means you side with fundamentalist Muslims who wish to exterminate it - between 18% and 25% of existing Muslims.
I was misled by a lot of propaganda that the unwise settlements in the west bank were Zionist policies. No, they're not. They're fundamentalist Jewish policies - the Haredim.
In Israel, about 10 to 15% of Jews are deeply religion (Haredim), and as the Jewish Parliament consists of many different voices which are evenly divided, the far-right (Jewish fundamentalists) tend to hold power as they give their voice to whoever wants to rule,
Whether you accept it or not, the goal of the fundamentalist Muslim is to restore the Caliphate that was eliminated by the British Empire in 1917. This movement of military aged men into Europe is setting up for a civil war. While you (and many) look at the elimination of Hamas in Palestine with humane eyes, there are several things you are overlooking, and I will get to this in a moment.
With regard to your statement that Israel has been treating the Palestinians badly, there are several things that Israel should not have done (in my opinion).
When they won the war in 1947/8, they should not have kept the land. They should have handed it back to Jordan, Egypt, Syria. The United Nations, however, allowed them to keep the land because a UN ruling says that the nation who is attacked can keep the land. This land is not regarded as occupied.
However, in 1967, eight Middle East nations shut down the Suez Canal so that Israel could not get timely supplies. Then Egypt, Syria, and Jordan amassed military troops on the Israeli border. Israel was caught between a rock and a hard place. If they attacked first, they would lose the right to keep the land. If they didn't attack, they would have a hard time getting supplies in.
So a month later, they attacked and they won. The Golan Heights is land they took from Syria. The West Bank is land they took from Jordan. And the Gaza Strip is land they took from Egypt.
In my opinion, they shouldn't have kept the land. They should just have handed it back and said, "Don't fuck with us." They didn't. Stupid move by religious fundamentalists - Jewish ones. They kept the land because they think God gave it to them. While Israel has a proven connection to the Jews, and it was called Palestine - even as late as the 60s - there is no doubt that Islam's claim to the land is substantially less than that of Israel. And Jews, after 2000 years of persecution by Christianity, need a land.
Iran, Russia, China have been waging massive psychological warfare against the west, and it has done so with great success. Generally people of average intelligence and emotional sensitivity are easily targeted.
You said, " the USA subsidizing several horrific bombing of the West Bank Palestinians fr a couple of decades."
Um. No.
The USA pays Israel about €3 billion per year - in exchange for technical military knowledge. Let me put that into perspective. The average IQ of Gazans is 85. The average IQ of Arabs is 86. The average IQ of Americans is 99. The average IQ of Chinese is 104. The average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews is 116 - the highest IQ of an ethnic group in the world. That's why Jews have landed 147 Nobel prizes - they are brilliant. As you know, my own has been measured between 165 in childhood and off-the-graph in a 5 hour test which I did in 90 minutes in my 40s.
My point is this - that America needs Israel if it is to keep up a superior military. China has already produced weapons that America has no idea how to replicate. And there is some wisdom in keeping America armed. China has sold up all her property, etc. in America. Why? She is going to invade Taiwan soon.
Again, the chess board is far more complex than you think, and it is gearing up (and is already), the downfall of the west - to civilization as we know it, and in order to retain what we have got, the choice is between the lesser of the two evils.
More than that, every western intelligence service sides with Israel for this. They are aware of what is happening, but then they're not looking at the web for their data, and they're generally comprised of highly intelligent people who are not easily manipulated.
Right now, western civilization is being attacked on all sides. Yes, there is such a thing as an 'innocent' Gaza. There are always the innocent in every war.
However, I'd like to mention what Hannah Arendt said about Eichmann at his trial in Jerusalem. She spoke about the banality of evil. She said that Eichmann wasn't very bright. He was very average, just wanting to do his job. He thought that the most ethical thing he could do was carry out his job, and that way he would get promoted. He was given the task of eradicating the Jews, and the gas ovens were the answer he put forward.
For him, it was not evil. He didn't think about it. He just carried out the orders.
That is what she calls the banality of evil - the people 'just doing their jobs.'
Today, once more we face the banality of evil - millions of people siding with, what appears at first sight, to be cruel. Yet, they have not thought more deeply. They have not investigated what lies behind it. Muslims are already claiming the UK, France, and Germany of part of the new Caliphate.
I fear, when it arrives, people will look back and say, "What were we thinking?" Of course, they weren't.
Thus, the banality of evil.