Holy shit.
You’re telling me that an entire generation of young women are so weak-minded that they can’t think for themselves?
I am stunned.
How is my choice of who and who I won’t date poisonous? Isn’t it free choice? Isn’t it freedom of speech? All these fabulous ideas that conservatives so brag about?
“yours are infecting an entire generation of young women who refuse to date any man with values of having children and a strong family.”
That’s complete and utter fucking nonsense.
You need to educate yourself about climate change. Clearly, you have never done any science classes, and you don’t realize that the current pandemic is the result of two things – business and climate change. Your diatribe shows quite clearly that a) you don’t know how to connect the dots and b) when you do try to connect dots, you connect them incorrectly.
As is usual with Republicans, all you’ve done is populate your response with ad hominems.
“but there are thousands of young women who think they want to emulate you, and so instead of living out their lives surrounded by friends, family, children and grandchildren, they face their 40s and beyond alone, scared, thinking their lives have been wasted.”
Lady, you must have an IQ of one if you think that.
“…if only they got over their bigotry about men who value freedom more than temperature, and who have testosterone levels greater than 200.”
Yes, you really can’t have an IQ of more than 1.