Historically inaccurate, and I really don't have time for this.
Until 400 AD, the major demographic was Jewish. Then for the next 700 years, the major demographic was Christian. Then, in it was about equal until 1400 AD, when the major demographic was Muslim.
Mohammed was born in Saudi Arabia, not Judea. Palestine was the name given to Judea by the Romans. Same territory.
Mohammed was a blood thirsty war lord. Don't want to go into the history. In order to win land and people for Allah, the Jihadi conquered all of North Africa, much of Spain, and made inroads into India. It is estimated that they killed some 400 million Hindus in about a century.
The Byzantine Emperor (The eastern part of the Holy Roman Empire) gave way to the Ottoman Empire in 1400 AD (around about there), and remained until the the British Empire conquered the them in 1917. The real war is about getting that land back.
70% of people living in Israel have been in the MIddle East for the past 2000 years. They were displaced from the other countries in the Middle East and went to Israle.
I can't go on arguing with you about this. I honestly don't have the time.
I have always believed that people have a responsibility to educate themselves.
I lived in the States for 11 years. I am 72 years old, and I have lived and worked in America, the UK (England and Scotland), 5 countries in Europe and two in Africa.
Both political parties in America are destructive, just in the same way. If Biden becomes president, it will take a little longer for America to become even more of a dog-eat-dog society. If Trump takes it, it will happen overnight.
Again, I have in the past explained a lot of American politics. I have more than 1200 articles on Medium.
Everything of the best to you.