Have you studied Monetary Monetary Theory and do you know how banks make money?
So, for instance, a bank will get $100 from the Federal Reserve. They are then allowed to lend out $1000 to their clients. Therefore, for the $100 they got from the Federal Reserve, they actually make $900.
If inflation isn't coming from that, why would printing sufficient money to pay what the government needs cause inflation?
America's army is over the top. When a country is spending 60% of its taxes on the military, and there is no threat to that country, you know that it has nothing to do with protection. It's what called money-making. Weapons making makes lots of money for weapons business.
Mondragon also work to make a profit. It works to cover its costs. The result is that its products are well made and inexpensive. That's one of the many reasons the company flourishes.
Yes, America is based on individualism. That's why it's failing. Throughout history, the wellfare of the community has enabled the tribe to survive. When it's every individual competing (and working against) others in the community, the community eventually becomes very divided and it starts splintering.