Golda Meir once said that Israel would always be at war with her Arab neighbors because she had 'stolen' the land from them. Ben Gurion put into the Israeli constitution, that the grandchildren of a Jewish grandfather, even if they weren't born to a Jewish mother, could make Aliyah.
I don't dispute that some very bad decisions have been made by Israeli government, including
1) not being savvy enough to counter the Islamic propaganda which has turned the west and the world against Israel. They should have been aware of it 20 years ago.
2) They should never have kept the extra land they attained in 1947/48, and in every war thereafter. Nor should they have kept any land attained since then. That said, there will always be war in the Middle East against Israel simply as a result of Islam. The Koran explicitly teaches Muslims to hate both Jews and Christians and to kill every Jew. In addition, once a land has been conquered for Allah, then it can never revert to non-Muslim, and that is what has been done.
The idea that without Netanyahu, Israel would not have been at war with her neighbors is mistaken. Israel, as Golda Meir said, will always be at war.
The reason I mention Ben Gurion's edict that the grandchildren of a Jewish grandfather could aliyah is because at the time, so many Jews had been killed that Ben Gurion feared a lack of Jewish people. For instance, my late father was a holocaust survivor, and he married out. I had to convert to become Jewish. However, even if I had not, I would have been able to make Aliyah, and so would my daughter, even if she hadn't been Jewish.
Netanyahu is a religious idiot. He seriously believes that the land was given to the Jews by god. Ergo, he thinks the land conquered belongs to Israel.
Israel also cannot keep having people Aliyah there, and he believes, as all Orthodox Jews do, that anyone who does not convert Orthodox, is not a Jew.