Fuzzy logic. Incidentally, I am Jewish, was an evangelical Christian for 10 years, and have read about 600 psychology books.
All emotions skew logic. And the word gentile means non-Jewish, not outsiders.
Also, as a hardcore atheist, none of these words were written by non-existent god.
And science very clearly shows that psychopaths do not have any 'word of god' written into their souls. Every bit of science (including behaviour genetics) shows that we are born with much of my character and behaviour.
It's 40 years since I left the church, but I knew the bible like the back of my hand, and there is a verse somewhere that says some people are born for damnation and others are not.
I once read the bible from Genesis 1 to Revelations 22 eighteen times in eighteen months. I am gifted, so was able to do that.
I studied it form beginning to end, sometimes spending 12 hours a day on the weekends reading it.
The number of contradictions in the bible is unbelievable.