
From the content of this article, I would say that you're not a deep thinker. Both Goleman and Peterson are mistaken.

Generally people who are thinkers are not feelers, and visa versa. It's highly unlikely that one operates from both modalities

Emotional intelligence is non-existent. Emotions aren't intelligent - they are a reflection of one's thoughts. When we think, there is a correspondoning emotion to the thought.

People who make decisoins based on their emotions tend to be more self-absorbed - they want to feel good all the time. Thinkers tend to observe their emotions and act on analysis.

Intuition is the sum knowledge of what we've put into our unconscious minds. It can provide us with instant information without us having to think about it. If we've put garbage into our unconscious mind, then what will come out is garbage.

Garbage in - Garbage out. GIGO.



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