Extinction Humanity. And They’re Squabbling Like Kids

What the boomers know, and the rest don’t.

Collectively, human beings are not a wise species. Wiki commons

It’s going to take a while to get to my point.

You know the story about the lemmings that went over the cliff, I’m sure. What is a lemming, anyway, you might ask. It’s a small rodent that lives near the arctic — in cold weather. The story, if you haven’t heard it (it’s a myth) is that every few years, because there are so many of them, they commit mass suicide by jumping off cliffs. (They don’t.)

Here’s the thing that boomers know, and everybody who is not a boomer has never experienced.

When I was growing up in the 50s, our garden was filled with fireflies at night. In the summer months, Christmas beetles used to swarm together over any light bulb. Worms used to be abundant on lawns. Earthworms came out after every rainfall. There were frogs in the garden and one would spot a praying mantis quite frequently. Chameleons were ten a penny, and there were always birds in the trees.

We lived in suburbia.

In other words, all that insect life that was the norm in suburbia when I was a child is now gone.

The cottage where I now live



Tessa Schlesinger Global Atheist Am Yisrael Chai.

Complexity is never easy to explain, and far too many stick to black and white, and forget about the colors and the greys.