Exactly. With 'professional assistance' a lot of things can be done.
Years ago, at San Diego comic con, there were 2 x 16 year olds who were being tooted as very successful authors. They were holding a seminar in which everybody was invited to come and find out how they, too, can become successful authors.
These two girls got up and spoke for about a minute each. They took it in turns, pointing to a board that said,
You need.
1. A Beginning
2. A middle
3. An end.
At that point, I wanted to know who their father was. The two girls had come home from school one day, upset because their peers called them dumb. Their father said that they could do anything. He would prove it to them. What did they want to do, he asked.
"Write," they said.
So, they apparently came up with all these ideas and they wrote them down and they became bestsellers.
Forgive me, but that didn't hold water, so while this was going on, I googled their father. Right.
Hollywood producer and screenwriter.
Then it was time for the questions. The father stood up and said it didn't matter how long it would take, everybody could ask as many questions as it took.
I was a member of staff so I pushed in to the front.
I asked "Just how much help did your movie producer/screenwriter father give you.'
There was a dead silence, and the father stood up and said, "There will be no more questions.
You see, with professional assisstance, you can do anything. It's doing it without professional assistance that is the real