Ever heard of the Rorshach test? You're projecting your own mindset onto what I wrote.
The point of this piece was not to criticize different cultures. The point was to indicate why so many people were moving towards fascism. You appear to have missed that.
No emotions involved when writing this. As I'm very much a multi-cultural product, and I grew up in a multi-cultural environment, I adapt easily.
All the fascist movements in each country have immigration as a hot topic. As you know, people on the right tend to be racist. Brexiteers very much wanted other people out of their country. So does the German right. So does the American right (they don't want Latinos there). So does the Italian right.
The piece was spot on. The fact is that you thought that I was criticizing different cultures.
You think that one tiny little incident involving a Muslim trying to throw me out of a window would upset me that much? I'm afraid when one has spent one's life dodging bullets, being whipped, and dealing with other forms of life endangerment, it's a very, very minor event. I didn't even bother to report it. I just wrote about it to demonstrate how different cultures see things.
I don't need your applause. Please remove them. I'm not emotionally immature.