Do you actually understand what socialism is? You are confusing socialism with fascism.
Fascism is when one man/party rules the rest. No, Germany does not have fascism.
Socialism is when the government uses the taxes to provide services and facilities for the citizens. There are degrees of socialism. Every country in the world that uses the taxes of the people to provide services or resources of one type of the other to its people are socialist to a degree.
Europe has a mixed economy - as had the UK and the US before Thatcher and Reagan. That is why they were so successful.
Most of western Europe still have mixed ec onomies. i.e. partially socialist and partially capitalist. This means that the economy is based partly on business and partly funded by government using the taxes of the people.
Yes, you can have socialist government that are fascist, but you can also have socialist economic systems that are democratic. Australia is another socialist country.
I suggest you learn your terms before you believe the brainwashing that America has endowed you with.
Communism, by the way, has never existed. When you have a communist state, there is little or no government. All resources are owned by 'we the people' collectively. Your American business co-ops are an example of communism in practice.
Suggest you up your education.