Cultural. Many Jews have no belief in god. I told the Rabbi flat out that I had no belief in god, that I simply needed to find out who I was, and what the Jewish part of me was.
We all grow up in different environments. I had the misfortune of, through family, schooling, and country, not knowing where I fit.
The Jews called me a 'bloody gattas,' the Afrikaaners called me a bloody Jewess, the English called me a bloody rockspider, the rich called me 'common,' and poor called me a 'snob.' I didn't fot with any cultural group.
Since those days, although I had already lived and worked in several countries, I have lived in many more. I have no country, no particular culture or belief. I have had to re-examine everything I have been taught to believe.
The result is that I don't believe there is a god, that the hard sciences are our only real measuring sticks, that right and wrong are linked to the greatest good (survival and comfort), for the greatest number (all species) for the longest period of time.
Judaism taught me why I think the way I do and where the majority of my values came from.