Climate Change — I Told You So!

Recycling is bs, as are carbon credits, and there is only one way!

Somewhere, a flood is coming to you real soon, courtesay of Mother Earth. Pixabay

Like Cassandra, I often say things that are unpopular. For a decade and a half, I’ve been saying that the only way to defeat climate change is to cut energy use, to stop half of all manufacturing, and that the reason that politicians don’t do anything is that they can’t. If they tell the truth (as above), they won’t be liked or re-elected.

Here’s what needs to happen to defeat climate change — again



TessaSchlesinger Maverick Apolitical Atheist World
TessaSchlesinger Maverick Apolitical Atheist World

Written by TessaSchlesinger Maverick Apolitical Atheist World

Complexity is never easy to explain, and far too many stick to black and white, and forget about the colors and the greys.