Tessa Schlesinger
2 min readNov 9, 2023


Certainly, I'm just curious if you understand how the brain is socialized. There is a reason that people who grow up in Christian countries are Christian and people who grow up in Muslim countries and people who grow up in Judaic country are Jewish.

You're also quoting historical figures who only knew what they had been taught. They knew nowhere what we know now. Where are the great scientists of the present day who believe that myth?

The world's most eminent scientists tend to be fellows of the Royal Society. I am going to quote:

QUOTE: Fellows of the Royal Society of London were invited to participate in a survey of attitudes toward religion. They were asked about their beliefs in a personal God, the existence of a supernatural entity, consciousness surviving death, and whether religion and science occupy non-overlapping magisteria (NOMA). Overwhelmingly the majority of Fellows affirmed strong opposition to the belief in a personal god, to the existence of a supernatural entity and to survival of death.

QUOTE: In the USA, while around 16% of the general population report no religious affiliation approximately 95% believe in God or some higher power (Gallup & Lindsay 1999); (Lugo et al2008). US scientists, however, are substantially less likely to hold belief in the supernatural (Larson and Witham 1997; Leuba 1916). Interestingly, this difference is far more evident among distinguished scientists: Larson and Witham (1998) found that 92% of the members of the National Academy of Sciences reject a belief in God or higher power.


QUOTE: Researcher Helmuth Nyborg and Richard Lynn, emeritus professor of psychology at the University of Ulster, compared belief in God and IQs.[7] Using data from a U.S. study of 6,825 adolescents, the authors found that the average IQ of atheists was 6 points higher than the average IQ of non-atheists. The authors also investigated the link between belief in a god and average national IQs in 137 countries. The authors reported a correlation of 0.60 between atheism rates and level of intelligence, which was determined to be "highly statistically significant".


QUOTE: New research confirms that there is a negative relationship between religiosity and intelligence. The findings have been published in the scientific journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Zuckerman and his colleagues previously conducted a meta-analysis of 63 studies, which found “a reliable negative relation between intelligence and religiosity.” In other words, religious people tend to be less intelligent than non-religious people on average.


I'm sure you can find a lot of research yourself.

From a more modern perspective, here are scientists and technologists who do not believe there is a god.




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