By that token, I have helped thousands of people through my writing. Yet, according to this article, because I'm a writer giving an opinion, I have not made any difference to the world.
Through the years, I have received thousands and thousands of reviews and fanmail. And yet, all I write is opinion. My point is simply that just because something is an opinion, it doesn't mean it's worthless.
And I do hurt people, on occasion. I get tired of the rubbish that is constantly propagated as fac t.
QUOTE: A unique ability to make people think about issues. I could read and reread it, each time gaining more from it. Information and thought provoking words flow from you like sap from ancient trees. You are an incredible writer and your voice does exactly what we all have been joking about – make us THINK! You make one consider and mull over ideas and possibilities on life's most meaningful concepts. I never read a post of yours without wanting to go look up something or shout out loud- EXACTLY!
QUOTE: Tessa, I admire your strength, focus and clarity. You epitomize what Maya Angelou wrote when she penned the poem "Phenomenal Woman". But do not construe my praise as an attempt to flatter. It is a statement of my respect. I am grateful to you
QUOTE: Your writing is like the guy who has won the most literary prizes in the world.
QUOTE: You are able to take the most complicated subjects and dissect them and clearly lead a reader through logic. You have amazed me on several occasions. You, more than anyone else I've come across, have done that which I couldn't dream of accomplishing.