Bill, let me explain leadership to you.
When one is put in charge of a country, a city, or a service like the fire department, your first job is to figure out what the problems are, your second job is to solve those problems, and your third job is to find a way for those problems not to repeat themselves.
Certainly, fires in the area are a known. Precisely - which is why they should have been prepared for. Certainly, they know that climate change has increased some of the factors - the wind speed was unusually high, and it blew embers up to 3 miles away - starting fires in other areas.
People who put themselves forward for leadership have the responsibility of carrying out their duties that they signed up for.
Every single one of those officials could have done many things to prevent the fire from escalating to the degree that it did. And I listed what could have been done. All of those things would have made it a lesser fire than it was.
The degree to which these programs are successful are directly proportionate to the ability of the leader to be an effective leader.