"Because this is what writing boils down to: Who are we? What are we here for? How do we do human?
Unlike print, the internet is about connection and conversation."
That's not true. Writing has nothing to do with any of those things. Writing is used for many different things - from keeping record of accounts to storytelling and detailing crime and punishment.
The internet was already in existence to some extence in the 70s. The web came about in 1993, I think. I was on it by 1994 - there were 3004 sites on it the week I joined.
It had nothing to do with connection and conversation. That's definitely not why Timothy Lee Berners invented HTML and CSS.
With all due respect, I write for a living. I write for dollars. Just as a doctor heals for dollars, and an artist paints for dollars, and the wait staff wait for dollars.