Are you German? Have you lived in Germany recently? I am German, and I just spent three months there.
What a shitty country. No freedom. If you move two houses down, you have 2 weeks to notify the authorities that you have moved, and you actually have to go for an interview at the municipal office.s I've never experienced so much bureaucracy and bull in my life.
They are backwards technologically. Their internet is still analog. They don't have fibre. And there is no such thing as buying data only for a mobile router.
Yes, everybody works, but it is a worker nation. Everybody wears jeans to the office. I never once saw an attractive woman. I was flabbergasted. The clothing in the shops were so old fashioned, that for 3 months, I never bought a thing.
There is a very limited choice of things in the stores, and I was living in Dusseldorf which is the richest city in Germany. I thought maybe it was Covid. Then I read something from 2018 which advises expats to go across the border to Holland where they will find stores which are full of things like most of the western world.
Quick migration to Lisbon. Wow, Beautiful things in the stores.
After WWII, Germany was divided into four parts - Russia administered one part, the British Empire another part, France another part, and the US another part. Please tell me how it is that you think that the US decided on the political system in Germany.
For the record, the reason that Germany has had such a high infection rate was because all the states decided to do exactly as they liked, and Merckel eventually had to force various laws through in order to manage the virus.