And yet, all men want a beautiful woman. That's why women want to be beautiful - so that they can get a man.
The science of it is that both men and women settle for someone who is approximate to themselves in their looks. The other part of it is, they gravitate towards people who remind them or are like their opposite sex parent.
That said, in my late 30s, I used to have 30 or 40 men per day come up to me on the streets of Cape Town telling me I was a beautiful woman. It never stopped. In LA, in my late 50s, a woman on a bus came to me and told me that I looked like Liz Taylor when she was young. Actually, mostly, when I was young, I was told I looked like Sophia Loren. My mother was a dead ringer for Grace Kelley.
In my mid-20s, there was an 18 month period where I went out every night, 7 days a week, with a different guy. My phone just never stopped ringing with invitations.
That is pressure.
Admittedly, at the time, I had no interest in any of the men who asked me out. I didn't know any better. I just went because I was asked.
Probably, my lack of interest was apparent.
In my late 50s, in San Diego, I met a guy somewhere. He asked me out. I declined. He kept on begging. Eventually, I said yes - just to stop the conversation. He took me out to dinner that night. He asked me about my interests. So I told him. Towards the end of the meal, he interrupted what I was saying and told me I had beautiful eyes. I was completely caught off guard. It took me a minute or so to get back to where I was.
He waited half a minute and then said again, "You've got beautiful eyes." At that point, I realized he had no interest in what I was saying. So I stopped talking and just looked at him. I think he finally realized I wasn't interested. He took me home, and that was it.
I've had men shout at me, scream at me, because I didn't ask them questions about themselves. They would ask me what I was interested in. I would tell them, not because I had any interest in telling them. I don't particularly like talking about themselves. When I didn't reciprocate, they would get angry.
Here's the problem. The men who would approach me were only interested in my looks. They weren't interested in me. That much was obvious. So isn't it a bit hypocritical to say that they were rude to me because they didn't want to be judged by their looks, because they were more than their looks?
Would I not want my looks? My looks are who I am. However, I have never used them to draw attention to myself. I have never had any interest in drawing attention to myself. I like the way I look. This is who I am. I like the way I think. I like my values - that I am driven by ethics, not ambition. No, I wouldn't change it, because then I wouldn't be who I am.
From your response, I get that you think that the only purpose of looks is to draw others to you. You mention all those people who don't get attention because they don't have the looks. Well, might I ask you what is so lacking in their lives that they want all this attention?