And whose fault was that? Who voted in that system? Who are the people who put the pursuit of hapoiness above their obligation to duty? And wh o are the millions of America who joined the military? And who are the people who believe in non existent gods, who make books about the law of attraction best sellers, and think books like 'how to win friends and influence people' are ethical?
There is a speech from the movie called V for Vendetta, in which V says "I know why you did it..." and it explains exactly why people get the political systems they do.
America does not have systemic racism What it has, which is truevin every country in the world, is a pecking order, a class system where one's status is measured according to various attributes like money, talent, education, manners, clothes, birth, etc.
If there was systemic racism in America, you wouldn't have Morgan Freeman, Weslsy Snipes, Halle Berry, African Americans who are in congress, in the supreme court, or who are running successful businesses.
As I was taught a very long rime afo, people vet the government they deserve, and right now too many people in America are destroying what remains (Same in many countries).