"And that booster shot is also a volley to the heart of men who are lonely. I’m one of those."
Generally, people who are lonely are self-involved. In this day and age, there are so many people around us, that it's virtually impossible to be lonely.
I have just relocated from South Africa to Germany - spent two weeks completely isolated (in quarantine) with no human contact permitted, and I don't know a single sausange here. When I went to live in America (relocating from London), I also knew not a sausauge. And so on, and so forth. I've lived in many cities and countries, and loneliness is not one of my inflictions. So I would suggest that you step outside of yourself. Volunteer at an animal rescue organisation or sign up to help the homeless.
Your understanding of American history is taught through the lens of America. It's complete and utter bullshit. I went to college for four years in America. More than that, Americans seem to believe that they won WWII on behalf of the Allies. The USSR made the greatest contribution, and without the USSR, the war might have been lost. But the British Empire comprised the might of the world , and I was born into it. It was immense. Outside of America, it is assumed that the Brits would have won two years later - the entry of America just speeded it up.
I was shocked out of my mind when I arrived in America in 2003 and discovered that America thought it the greatest nation in the world. Nobody outside of the States thinks that. In fact, I was warned against going there.
American Republicans are acknowledged internationally as evil - the next Nazi party. There is no shame in being against them. Being against evil is a good thing.