And Musk shouldn’t rein in Woke? Sorry, I was banned too many times because I made pointed remarks at little girls who didn’t like their belief systems undermined. A few days after I rejoined Twitter (some months ago), I was banned for three days for calling Liz Truss stupid and a Bimbo Barbie. Meanwhile everybody was calling her stupid. She is stupid. I queries it and asked why. I was just told the ban holds.
A scientist, posting a picture of meteors falling, was given a life ban for posting porn. As if porn isn’t rife on Twitter. And as if anyone with two eyes couldn’t see that it was meteors. She was asked to sign an admission to say that she had posted porn, otherwise she wouldn’t be reinstated. Finally after the story hit the British press last week, she was reinstated.
The moderators, and it appears the entire Twitter staff, from videos posted you youtube, etc. comprised rich kids who were woke, who thought ever mean comment, anything that might hurt someone’s feelings, was suitable for banning., They also never really checked to see if something was a mistake. Why would a post with meteors continue to be banned when it was queried endlessly.
On top of that, only 10% of tweets actually get seen and commented on – all by famous people. The rest of us don’t get a single response. We are not seen. The supposed conversation that takes place are people responding to rich people. That is completedly twisted.
I don’t want Twitter to functiona ‘normally’ because normal people weren’t given a role on Twitter.
Twitter is not the most popular app – far from it. You need to look at the actual figures. It was running at a loss, was overpaying its staff who did not do their work, and as someone who has lived and worked on three continents, in multiple countries, I see this from many different angles.
I don’t care if Twitter fails. It didn’t contribute much, regardless of what you think.