Americans have been miseducated and misinformed for a very long time. Their basic culture is full of error, and the chickens have come home to roost.
They didn't become the 'greatest' nation in the world because they were hardworking, brilliant, or particularly benevolent.
They simply had settled on a vast continent with plenty of resources to exploit. As the population grew, those resources were no longer so freely available. First come, first serve.
During my youth, South Africa was the richest country in the world. The dollar had less value than the rand. Why? South Africa had gold, diamonds, platinum, coal, fertile land, and cheap labour.
America flourished initially because of the low-lying fruit. It didn't matter if people believed in gods, thoughts manifesting into reality, snd othef bs. It didn't matter if Americans thought that diversity was the source of creativity. There was so much wealth in the ground that one could have believed anything, and it would have made no difference to the resulting wealth.
When the population grew, resources became fewer, and the fruits of all the crazy beliefs began to expose America for what it was - very much a teenager who misunderstood his privilege, applying misconceivef ideas - America began to fall.
There are no brilliant minds in positions of power. There are no safe guards against nonsense been taught. There are no safe guards to protect the community from delusional individuals.
And now there is nothing left, except a rapid approach to the bottom.