Ah, well, I was born in a third world country with world sanctions, no television because it was banned (the instrument of the devil), many books banned, none of the sort of skills learning that is available today, plus I was autistic, had am auditory processing disorder, had two parents who both slept around and brought their loves home, and got beaten to within a inch of my life a couple of times a week. Plus my mother once tried to put a knife through me. And another time she beat me up for an hour with a strap in front of a man who did nothing to stop her.
So, yes, I get angry when people tell me I must imrprove my skills. I didn't even know what univeresity was until many years after I left school. When I arrived in the States at the age of 52, I struggled. I'm out of there now.
Hopefully, the victimhood is going, because when I hear what Americans go on about, I want to take them straight to Africa.