Ah, so that is why China wants Taiwan. I could never figure it. So qualcom has its stuff made in Taiwan. And I guess a lot of other stuff gets made there as well.
I never thought of that one.
Well, the Pentagon warned a decade ago that if America went to war with China, it might lose. It's now a decade later, and China has amassed an enormous military, plus created some weapons that America connot duplicate and which does not have the reach that Chinese weapons do. It would be a big mistake for America to go to war against China.
Here's the thing Americans have a huge disregard for high intellect. They elect the most popular people who will serve their own interests rather than look at the long term future and prepare for it. So it didn't occur to them that if you manufacture outside your own country, you will eventually lose control of your products.
I guess the chickens have come home to roost.
Thank you for an extremely interesting discussion.