Ah, Jason, someone else who just opened another account just to comment because he doesn't have the courage of his convictions - he doesn't dare to say what he is saying under his real name.
So let me spell it out for you. It could have been beaten. The reason it wasn't was because too many people who are stupid, selfish, and ignorant. They have been brainwashed to believe that their individaulity and rights supercede the collective good. And they couldn't bear not to do what they liked and have their businesses flourish.
Both the US and the UK, the two countries that pushed neoliberalism, and who, accordingly, stripped all the cuchions and resources needed for people to become educated and live without stress, now have populations that are mentally unstable, stupid, and ignorant.
The virus could have been beaten, but it wasn't because the people leading these counties (and others) made every single decision that was the wrong decision. But hear this, you are the idiots who put those people into power. Who, with a brain in their head, would elect people like Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Boris Johnsn, and some many others?
Sure, the disease is endemic now. But the correct response, the moment it became obvious that China had a problem, was to shut all borders, to immediately go into a complete and utter lockdown for at least two to three months, until the virus didn't exist anymore.
If you think, for one moment, that I am only saying that in retrospect, please scroll back to all my posts about the virus in January/February 2020 (on Facebook). You could also have a look at some of my articles written over the past 10 years warning about climate change and pandemics.
What has happened to populations in the US, is many of you are suffering from delusional paranoia. You see monsterrs where none exist. You are seriously mentally ill. And I'm being polite. Your 'freedom' is a human construct. There is no freedom. We either survive as a species collectively or we don't survive at all.
Feel free not to wear a mask. Feel free not to get vaccinated. Those of us who understand the threat are watching as people who hold those views peg off one by one.