Ah, it definitely does happen on a massive scale in America. It's a very dog-eat-dog society. That said, I don't think that's the fight we need to be fighting right now.
I've been thinking about this from another perspective (haven't written about it yet). Divide and conquer. There are so many people fighting for things like equal pay, racism, non-binary gender status, antisemitism, and a new one every second week - that the real issues aren't being focused on.
The real issues are:
1. Changing the economic system. Eliminate economic class systems. No massive wealth allowed.
2. Shuttering any business that in anyway is destructive to the environment (at least 50% of them).
3. Putting people on a universal basic income so that they don't starve.
4. In order to receive the universal basic income, people are drafted to work a 10 hour week cleaning up the planet in some way (even if it is just planting trees or remvoving tar from surfaces and putting in cobble stones.)
5.Make personal ownership of cars illegal and implement a massive public transport system.
These are the things that need to be done. Nobody is ever going to be able to force people to like and accept each other. What we can do is remove the stress of survival, so that they don't care that much about it.