Actually, until very recently, the Arabs and Jews were considered a race - Semites. It's where the term antisemitic comes from.
However, that was disregarded in the last century somewhere. It was never my point to say that being Jewish was a race.
My point was to stop people who were going to tell me that Jews came from Europe and had no place in Palestine. My point was only to prove that thee is DNA evidence that most Jews have lived in the Middle East since the Diasporah, and that Ashkenazi Jews were only 30% of Israeli. It was an aside thrown in.
You're also wrong about being Jewish being 'only a religion.' I am an atheist. Yet I had no belief in god when I converted, and the Rabbi converted me anyway because I am culturally Jewish. I still have no belief in god, spirituality, or anything like that.
I have no need to be preached to about making enemies. I wrote the piece because many people, believe it or not, have never met Jews, and they were curious about what Jews were. It had nothing to do with keeping people apart. That is in your own head.
Also, when one begins to tolerate evil, then evil overtakes good. Tolerance is misunderstood. This is an excellent essay on tolerance.