Tessa Schlesinger Global Atheist Am Yisrael Chai.
Tessa Schlesinger Global Atheist Am Yisrael Chai.

I write for two reasons.

The first is to get things off my chest, and the second is to earn money. I have no political allegiance and, therefore, criticize both the left and the right. If my views don't trigger you, I'd be happy to have you as my reader.

I do not enjoy either discussion or argument, and I'm therefore quite happy to let you stick with your point of view, and I'll continue to read widely in order to have a broader perspective. I do realize that some people come to Medium because they enjoy discussing different viewpoints, but I don't. It drains and stresses me - possibly a result of autism, PTSD, and an auditory processing disorder.

Below is an evaluation by a doctor who gave me five hours of tests, and below that, a few examples of the kind of thing people have said to me about my writing through the decades.

Your writing style reminds me a little of Hunter S Thompson but not as insane. Your articles on medium are incredible. But they only send me snippets, so I can’t read the full article. Do I have to pay you or should I pay medium? Help an interested reader out! Doug Piercy

Tessa placed so much symbolism and the true heart of a woman in this book. Mingling metaphysics with humor, romance, and drama is a difficult feat and she pulled it off. I definitely recommend this book. If I would compare (if you will) this book trumps "The Alchemist" in the profound lessons of human nature that it teaches. It was an excellent read and brought out many emotions within me. That's what good books do. Nikiabrown, Amazon Review 2011

A unique ability to make people think about issues. I could read and reread it, each time gaining more from it. Information and thought provoking words flow from you like sap from ancient trees. You are an incredible writer and your voice does exactly what we all have been joking about – make us THINK! You make one consider and mull over ideas and possibilities on life's most meaningful concepts. I never read a post of yours without wanting to go look up something or shout out loud- EXACTLY! Elisa Huerta Sninchak 2008

Well read and well informed on many issues. You come across as strong, confident, knowledgeable, skilled; an accomplished, studied artisan. You ARE a leader. People will naturally look to and gravitate to you. Dr. Karen Lysik CEO Writers Dock Party

That piece was the finest piece of writing I have seen in 20 years. Marketing Director of Argus Group (South African national newspaper group) 1970 Tessa, I admire your strength, focus and clarity. You epitomize what Maya Angelou wrote when she penned the poem "Phenomenal Woman". But do not construe my praise as an attempt to flatter. It is a statement of my respect. I am grateful to you Daron M Beasley – USA 2014

"I'm calling because I have to reject the piece you submitted. I can't bring myself to send you an ordinary rejection letter. I must decline because we have too much on that topic. It's of a quality we seldom see." Editor of leading South African woman's magazine. 1981

Talent just oozes from you. Andy Ellis, Editor Mensa Magazine UK 2001/2

Your writing is like the guy who has won the most literary prizes in the world. Dr. Mariette Prinsloo. South Africa. 1996 Much thanks to Chip Martin, Karen Lysik and Tessa Schlesinger. I always looked forward to your postings . . . stated with eloquence, humor, and/or intelligence . . . but never with intent to harm. Thanks, people. Lila Allen – USA

I can't see any difference between your writing and the way bestselling authors write. Ilsa Kritzinger. Johannesburg. 1998. You are able to take the most complicated subjects and dissect them and clearly lead a reader through logic. You have amazed me on several occasions. You, more than anyone else I've come across, have done that which I couldn't dream of accomplishing. Susan Ruda USA 12/10/09

I can't believe I'm saying this but AMEN SISTAH! Damn, but if I wouldn't (maybe) listen to you lecture. You do have a way of letting the air out of overly-puffy arguments. Carrie Younce – USA

Intelligence and wit -- two of my favorite virtues combined in one delightful new hubber! Welcome Sophia Angelique! MM Mighty Mom As an aspiring writer that began writing hubs at the same time that you started, I find you to be an inspiration. As a computer programmer in a previous life who hated writing, I find your strengths as a professional writer to be a great model to hopefully help me overcome my literary weaknesses. Pente HAVING NOT READ BUT A QUICK GLANCE AT YOUR HUBPAGES AL I CAN SAY IS GOOD GRIEF CHARLIE BROWN, THIS............ IS A WRITER!!!!!!!!mio cid I read my first hub by you and I find it to be non bias, thorough, and intersting. (Atheism) LRCBlogger

I like your honesty. I read one of your comments within a travel hub and I found it direct and relevant- though I had no idea what you meant by "doing that American thing again!" Perha

Honestly Sophia, you are truly amazing woman.WoW.. ea86

I LIKE Sophia Angelique for she is an EXTREMELY -TALENTED, UNIQUE, PROLIFIC, and CREATIVE writer. PROFESSIONAL in every respect. Great choice of topics and a sheer delight to read. Her hubs are MARVELOUS! Please get to know this writer. Your life WILL be ENRICHED and BLESSED for doing it. I am HONORED to be a follower and a fan. KEEP UP THE GREAT HUBS! kenneth avery

It's fantastic to read truly intelligent and insightful work such as yours T-Parker

...you clearly have extraordinary talents and skills in research and writing and who knows what else. LH Writings It is your style and and sheer ability TO communicate so well that grabbed me. Mykuljay

You are indeed an amazing writer deserving of just rewards for your talent. wordscribe43 Great Hub and I admire your talent. Writing effectively is a gift. You have it. The Frog Prince

You have a good head on your shoulders and are an inspiration to others. Thanks for sharing your experience and your knowledge. toknowinfo

Her hubs are very concise and easy to understand. She is an excellent writer Lisas-thoughts101 You are a great writer. I don't have to elaborate more on that. I would just tell people how engaging your hubs are. Glad to follow you. More power! :D thesingernurse

I have thousands of reviews and fan mails that are similar. I have also won awards and prizes, all of which I've forgotten about.

You can support my writing by becoming my patron on Ko-fi.

My life has been one of affliction, but despite that, I have three lifelong indulgences - thinking, writing, and beauty. My email is tessa@tessaschlesinger.com.

Tessa Schlesinger Global Atheist Am Yisrael Chai.

Tessa Schlesinger Global Atheist Am Yisrael Chai.

Complexity is never easy to explain, and far too many stick to black and white, and forget about the colors and the greys.