A community can be a small group of people, or it can be the entire world of people. I did not define the size of the community.
I think that anything that contributes to climate change is unethical. That includes:
Cars that use fossil fuels.
Cars that use lithium and other rare earths in batteries.
Clothing made from man-made fabrics (oil) because they are non-biodegradable.
Cities, towns, communities that keep building roads that keep infringing on woods, forests, land. When I was a kid, insects were so common that you couldn’t move two inches without them being there. Now you seldom see them.
Constantly ‘improving’ phones, computers, electronics for the sake of profit.
Advertising which brainwashes people to buy more and more things.
An economic system is a system of production and distribution. Our entire system of production and distribution is unethical because it has led to climate change, and climate change has already led to the 6th mass extinction, and will lead to ours within a few generations.
Ethics are determined by extrapolating outcomes from the current conditions to see where decisions, carried out a million times by many people, will affect the future, the planet, etc.
I’m well aware that there are people living in rural areas. That is why the ethical thing for governments and smaller communities to do is to begin to build massive public transport systems so that everybody can get everywhere they need to. This is not impossible. It’s merely difficult because the people with the power to do this are more concerned with status and money. So it won’t get done, and because it won’t get done our modern civilization will slowly fail.
Below, I’ve posted a link about something I’ve written before – that seasons don’t play out the way they used to, and because of it, our crops will begin to fail. And so there will be massive food shortages. So it’s unethical not to prepare for that situation by building red-light structures that can farm food indoors.
Also, none of this is workable unless the entire world begins to act in unison. As that is not going to happen, I do not see one ounce of hope for humanity. I think we’re done, and I am not alone in that conclusion.
You said, “Trying to shame people into what you conclude are logically constructed ethics is an exercise in futility…”
It always amazes me that some readers actually think I’m writing to try to influence them. WTF? I would never dream of influencing anyone, and I detest it when people try to influence me. I would never do something to someone else that I don’t like done to me. I write to earn a living, and, for me, because I think all the time, I express what I think because it’s easy to write. I do try to provide links to credible sources to show that my thoughts are based on reason and evidence. I also don’t’ care if people read what I write or not. I never have, and I never will. The only disadvantage to that is that I will not earn money, and I will be homeless again.
You said, “. In my opinion your statements seem unlikely to achieve any of your desired goals, and more likely to stimulate the opposite.”
John, again, let me be blunt. I couldn’t give a holy shit whether someone reads me or not, and I have even less interest in getting someone to do anything. I am only interested in two things – getting the thoughts I think out of my head and earning a living. I have said this many, many times. I’m not quite sure why you are unaware of that.
I do gather, though, that you are angry about what I wrote. I do not wish to upset you. So I think the best thing is just to mute me. I’m truly sorry that you think I am trying to convince you or anyone else to do something. I’m not that stupid.