A college degree gives you a qualification. It doesn't educate you.
Education is acquired through traveling to many countries and through extensive reading - a minimum of two or three books a week. Also through reading many different types of magazines from different countries - the various sciences, etc.
Having an education means you speak two or three languages, that you know your world geography and climate, that you're familiar with the history of many countries, that you understand the scientific methodology, etc.
And, yes, people can be educated beyond their intellience. And, yes, you can lack a college education and be far more educated than somone with a college education. And, yes, one can be educated beyond one's intelligence.
That said, statistically, most people who don't have a college education do tend to have far less facts at their fingertips than those who don't.
It is not possible to memorise things like math and the sciences. You actually have to understand them and apply them. So it depends what college degree one has.