1. The IRS is constantly looking for ways to tax people. So if it thinks it can get away with something, it does.
2. I'm lived in many countries - not because I have the money to do it, but because I don't have a home, and I've never been able to hold down a decent job, and I kept going from one country to another to find a way of earning a living.
3. I wrote an article on the morality of what the IRS was doing - not the technicalities, and not the financial system, so what you wrote to me was off-topic, and if you agreed with me, why you just didn't say that. I'm also in a very bad mood. I have to find a place to stay, and I don't speak the language, and there are all sorts of things I have to deal with. So having to read about something that has no direct connection to what I write is just plain irritating. My apologies. I would have been happy with "Yes, the USA is wrong. It shouldn't be taxing you."
3. This has nothing to do with working in dollars. When I was living in South Africa, and I got paid in Australian dollars by an Australian client, the US government made it a stressful transaction - just in case American money laundering was involved. America is so desperate for power and money that it will do whatever it takes to take from other people. That was my point.
4. I am now looking for European and British companies to work for.
By homeless I mean, I'm living in a temporary accommodation and I"m struggling to get something permanent.