1. I think the idea of publicly traded companies needs to go by the wayside. Can you think of one good reason why, in this age, when we don’t need huge assembly lines, that we need huge companies? The only reason we have them is for some to profiteer.
2. Agree and disagree. I think anything that large needs to be socialized. Computers, however, can be made by small companies. Of course, it depends on what you call small. A company with a 1000 people can be a small company if they are all working in one area. It is when they spread the business in many different locations and many different countries that those corporations rise above the common interest.
3. I think Research and Development belongs to universities, and I think it should always be funded by taxes. The outcome of that research and development should always be without copyright or without patent – for common usuage.
4. That is a problem. And it is going to happen more and more as climate change events like floods, fires, and hurricanes hit is. I don’t have an answer for that – yet.
5. ??? I’m sorry. I can travel by rail from the UK to Greece. I’m damned sure that is just as long as any journey in the US. I also used to travel from cape Town to Johannesburg (South Africa is twice the size of Texas), and it was perfectly doable. Distance has nothing to do with public transport. The problem is that America focused on business interests – the profit of car makers and oil producers. China has massive rail systems, and it’s about the same size as the States. Go Google Chinese public transport. That said, it is the private ownership of cars that needs to be eliminated. One would still be able to hire a cab! 😊
6. Whether the pollution is generated in one place or many places is irrelevant. It is still the same amount of pollution, and it is still harming the environment. One cannot ‘control’ pollution. One has to eliminate it.
Well, yup, I have about an inch of qualifications in different areas, plus I did a lot of different jobs. The result is that I have quite a broad knowledge of many things. 😊